Just found out that California is the most populous state in America ! I’ll admit, I never thought about it before. I have, however, thought of the fact that New York is the most populous city in America . The only time I have ever felt crowded in California is when I’m on the freeway! And I can already picture myself having a rough time getting used to being, not just around many people, but in such close proximity when I make my way to NYC. I’ve seen the movies that have The City featured where it looks like there are hundreds of people walking on one sidewalk, all with eyes focused on the direction they are going and all accepting being a part of a sea of strangers. Could I be one of those people?
I have a very strong sense of “personal space” and really do get irritated if someone enters that space without my permission. If I’m in the grocery store and it’s pretty empty and I’m standing in line to purchase my groceries, I feel there is an unwritten rule that you keep your distance from the others in line, especially if there is only 1 or 2 people in line. There have been times when a person gets in line behind me and gets so close that I can feel their closeness. I’m not sure how else to describe it but I feel that they have entered my personal space and it makes me really uncomfortable, so I’ll move up a little bit. And what gets me more is they move up also and keep that small space between us when I am trying to make it bigger! I have come up with a few tricks to keep people from getting too close for comfort. I have been known to stand sideways and taken a wide stance to discourage people from getting too close to me. I have used my shopping cart as a shield. I have even resorted to coughing like I have a cold to scare people!! And at times when someone’s shopping cart continuously bumps into me even though I have moved out of the way multiple times, I have turned around and told that person to get off my ass! A little aggressive but I guess that means I could be a New Yorker after all?
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